Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Don’t You Just Hate Supermarkets?

I’m quite an easy going individual but one thing that really vexes me sometimes is a supermarket. Sure, I understand that we can’t do without them but they do get on my nerves on occasion. Don’t worry, I’m not about to go off on you about it. I just want to get a few things off my chest.

For instance, whenever I go to the supermarket I always seem to grab the one broken shopping cart (or basket) in the entire store. There are 200 hundred of them arranged neatly in rows by the entrance when you walk in, the possibilities are endless but no, I have to put my foolish hands on that one with the broken wheel or handle. It’s my destiny I figure. So now I’m zig-zagging around the place with this busted apparatus, knocking into everything in sight. It’s ridiculous and humiliating. Management, please check and remove faulty equipment from your store and get it fixed, this would be much appreciated.  

Another annoyance is the pricing of the products. Pricing an item at 9.99 (add whichever currency you are familiar with) when none of the cashiers have any 1 cent pieces in their tills is perplexing to me to say the least. But maybe that’s just in my town. By the way, just an interesting fact regarding this kind of pricing system – it’s just a psychological marketing method. You see, $9.99 seems a hell of a lot cheaper than $10.00. And we all fall for it don’t we? How many times have you bought a piece of clothing just because it was that 1 cent cheaper than the other one? Think about it.

Now here is one that really vexes me. No matter which store I am in, I somehow always seem to find myself stumbling across this sweet old lady with the worst eyesight conceivable. Holding up a bag and asking me, “Sorry dear, can you please tell me what it says there?” Here’s an idea – if you’re coming to a supermarket to buy some groceries, you walk into the frozen food section and pick up a bag that you can clearly feel has chicken pieces in it, I can almost guarantee that it says ‘CHICKEN’ on it. How about next time you bring your spectacles with you? Just a thought.

Can somebody please tell me why supermarket management feel the need to put the slowest and incompetent cashiers on the express checkout at month-end? If I am buying bread and milk I really don’t want to stand in a queue for half an hour and have the cashier ring up my 2 items for another 10 minutes. Let’s try putting some of the quicker staff on express detail because the folks with 150 items in their shopping cart (or basket) are, in all likelihood, expecting to wait a while.

In conclusion, I think that a lot can be done to make our shopping experience a little less agonizing. Like I said, just a thought. Anyway, that’s all from me for now, do come again and bring a friend. Take it easy. 

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